Dear CCCM Practitioners, 


Thanks a lot to those of you who took part in the webinar organized in cooperation with the community engagement forum on how we can engage displacement affected communities in out-of-camp settings. For those of you who could not join,  the recording is available on the CCCM Cluster YouTube page.


You can find the two case studies that were presented during the webinar, on the Area-Based Approach Working Group Webpage, at the following links:

- The Case Study by NRC Afghanistan on community led projects.

-The Case Study by ACTED and IMPACT Burkina Faso on working with displaced and host communities. This case study is available in English and  in French and it is linked to this SOP developed by the Burkina Faso CCCM/GSAT Cluster, standardizing procedures to set up a Community mixed committee with representatives from the host communities and the displaced population (this document is available only in French). 


Finally, if you would also be willing to document best practices and success stories from field operations through a similar brief operational case studies, you can get in touch with Elena Valentini at 


Should you want to contact the coordinators to ask questions, share resources, tools or suggestions for the working group, you can do so directly from the Working Group Webpage, under the relevant “contact us” function. 


We take the opportunity to wish you a happy end of the year holiday season.


Kind regards, 


Elena Valentini (IOM) & Francesco Rancati (NRC)